How can I support your writing?

I wonder how you are holding up in this new phase of the pandemic. What do you need? What can I send through the ethers of the Internet to support you? These are not rhetorical questions. I’m asking. What do you need to hear? Where do you feel stuck? As I may...

Simple daily writing goals

You’ve probably read many good books about writing and attended at least one transformative workshop. You’ve learn a lot, written a bunch, fell off the writing wagon, and hopped back on more than once. Despite your efforts, it’s still challenging to...

What’s holding your writing back

Over the past few months, I have been engaged in some deep inner work that is changing the way I live and write.This inquiry is opening new possibilities for the way you and I might work together as well, whether that be through an...

Blocked or stuck?

Years ago, based on my own experience and my work with students and clients, I realized that when you think you have writer’s block, you are almost always in the wrong part of the process. Not that you are doing anything wrong. So-called writer’s block...