What’s running your writing life?

Last week, I promised to share more valuable lessons I learned from Natalie Goldberg. This one might be the most significant, at least it was for me: If something is running you from behind, you won’t be free of it until you face it. A few weeks ago, I shared my...

Reflections on Prompts

Over the past few months, a lot has shifted in my writing process. As I’m stepping into new territory, however, both as a writer and a writing guide, I am keenly aware of the lessons I bring forward from my years of study with Natalie Goldberg. I found myself...

The inner work of writing

As many of you know, I took a sabbatical from teaching and coaching during the last six months of 2021. I needed time to grieve for my father, to rethink the book I’ve been writing, and to get clear about where I want to go as a teacher and guide, what we might...


I woke up yesterday morning, opened my computer to write the weekly message and realized I had nothing to say. I opened Mailchimp anyway, but couldn’t access my account. The Universe has it own ways of speaking to you. Friday, I announced to the Continuous...

On the horizon

I am writing from the 21st floor of a corner apartment on the edge of Somerville, Massachusetts. I am here for the month with my daughter, who is working with a trusted OCD therapist. I’m writing a memoir about my experience parenting someone with severe OCD,...

What’s Next?

What’s next on your writing journey? What kind of support will you need? Hint: it won’t arrive in your inbox. Do not look outward for the answers. Everything you need is within. Continue the practices that open you to receive. Get a beat on where you are....