Reframing Obstacles to Writing

I'm working on a small gift for you, something to help you reframe your writing obstacles. To prepare, I've asked members of the Continuous Practice Community to share what keeps them from writing. Rather than trying fix anything for anybody with the standard answers...

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I’ve got a question

I have a simple question for you. How will you bring your book/essays/poems, whatever you are working on into the world? I'm not talking about your productivity or your schedule or the outline you've been working on since the the beginning of time. I'm talking about...

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Is there a book inside all of those notebooks?

If you're like every other writer I know, you have piles of notebooks stacked around your studio or your bedroom or your house. Maybe you keep them in a box or on a shelf. Or maybe they are hidden in a closet. But I know you have them. I'd bet money on it. Which is...

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Writing is your true nature

Sometimes you forget that writing is your true nature. Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed by the how and the how much, you can't see that the path is simple and straightforward. A few days ago, I was driving with my daughter through the gently rolling hills of eastern...

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How to get your writing out of your notebook

If you have no trouble getting your writing practice from your notebook into a computer document, If you sail along typing neat lines and it's all beautiful and painless, Then, you may want to skip to the end. But if you struggle with transcribing or your current...

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How can I support your writing?

I wonder how you are holding up in this new phase of the pandemic. What do you need? What can I send through the ethers of the Internet to support you? These are not rhetorical questions. I'm asking. What do you need to hear? Where do you feel stuck? As I may have...

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Simple daily writing goals

You've probably read many good books about writing and attended at least one transformative workshop. You've learn a lot, written a bunch, fell off the writing wagon, and hopped back on more than once. Despite your efforts, it's still challenging to set reasonable...

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What’s holding your writing back

Over the past few months, I have been engaged in some deep inner work that is changing the way I live and write.This inquiry is opening new possibilities for the way you and I might work together as well, whether that be through an...

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Books, Podcasts — The Pleasures of Late Summer

I want to share a few podcast episodes and some late-summer reads I've found inspiring. I hope they inspire you and help you prepare your mind for the next season. The Good Life Podcast Interview with Elaine Aron, Author of Highly Sensitive People I confess that I've...

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Blocked or stuck?

Years ago, based on my own experience and my work with students and clients, I realized that when you think you have writer's block, you are almost always in the wrong part of the process. Not that you are doing anything wrong. So-called writer's block almost always...

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