On the horizon

I am writing from the 21st floor of a corner apartment on the edge of Somerville, Massachusetts. I am here for the month with my daughter, who is working with a trusted OCD therapist. I'm writing a memoir about my experience parenting someone with severe OCD,...

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What’s Next?

What's next on your writing journey? What kind of support will you need? Hint: it won't arrive in your inbox. Do not look outward for the answers. Everything you need is within. Continue the practices that open you to receive. Get a beat on where you are. Listen only...

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December writing topic

As an alternative to making New Year's resolutions, consider making a commitment to daily listening. Consider writing regularly with this topic: WHAT'S CALLING ME TODAY? Not what is my purpose, but where body, mind, and spirit are pointing. Write it at the top of the...

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November Reading Lists

As you move into Thanksgiving week, as you gather with friends and family and fill your belly with yummy food, you might also notice the shift in energy that comes with the season. As the days get shorter and you turn inward, you may find yourself wanting to spend...

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Slow Down

The message today is SLOW DOWN. Attune to the change in the light. Attune to the energy of the season. Linger and listen and wait. When you feel ready, pick up an old piece of writing And begin again. Copy it by hand, In pencil, on good paper. Let your mind fill in...

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Rest and Receive

I get so many inquiries from writers who want to write more.  I hear so much anxiety over what they are not doing. And while I understand that fear all too well, I also know that fretting is not conducive to creating anything. Flogging yourself will not bring forward...

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Still procrastinating?

Something I left out in last week's message is the relationship between procrastination and perfectionism. Perfectionism is actually a manifestation of anxiety, extreme discomfort with the unknown. Many writers feel uncertain about the quality of their work. You want...

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Top obstacle to writing

Are you ready to overcome your obstacles to writing? Last week, my lovely virtual assistant created a poll on Facebook and Instagram so we could see how folks resonated with the obstacles I listed a few weeks ago. Based on our not-so-scientific investigation, the #1...

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Support for your writing

I've been sitting with your obstacles, letting them settle within me, and asking for guidance on your behalf. I've been sitting with my own obstacles as well, charting a new way of moving through them. My recent obstacle: I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME. I CAN'T DO IT IN THE...

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Say yes to writing

Does anyone else put the needs of others before your own need to write? When I invited members of this community to send your obstacles to writing last week, a long-time student and friend, sent me this list: Procrastination ALWAYS putting needs of my family (and...

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