Begins February 2025
A community of commitment to Writing from Source, where we fulfill our writing dreams together, and write for the higher purpose of healing our planet.
If you are a Writer, if you have come into this world with the gift of language and the urge to create with words,
If you are a Truth-Teller and your soul yearns to share what you know and see and feel in your bones,
If you are a Visionary and you see the possibilities for a brighter, more harmonious path for humanity
If you are a Prophet, and see the truth of this moment, a truth that others don’t see or refuse to face,
I see you and want to support you to bring your Truth forward on the pages of books, in the lines of poems, in the musings of essays.
It has never been more urgent for those who see a higher Truth to bring it into the light.
You have already come so far.
Words have been written,
Concepts are more clear.
You feel your creation coming into focus,
Even if you can’t see how the parts fit together.
How will you reach the finish line?
Can you “figure it out?”
Writing can feel lonely.
And lonely can feel like lost.
Where is the roadmap that takes you
From where you stand to fulfilling your dream,
To publish your book, your essays, your poems?
How do you act on the urgency of work you know has a high purpose?
- Because for you, completing and publishing your work goes beyond the external measures that a publishing contract represents.
- This is about who you know yourself to be and fulfilling the promise of what you came here to do as a writer.
It is full alignment with your highest self, full embodiment, full actualization.
Which is why I’ve created this sacred space for you to bring your book, your essays, your poems, your message into the fullness of form.
You have a choice as to how you will go about completing the work.
You can build momentum in the old way, out of sheer will and determination, with the weight of someone else’s success formula pushing you from behind.
Or you can build trust in your inner compass, with guidance from Source.
You can hand over your tender words to a committee of peers that mistake their opinions for rules.
Or you can share your work with a community that honors your vision, that reflects back what is true and alive, and that trusts that your work is your work.
You can hire a coach who will give you a framework or a formula, a structure that leads some to success.
Or you can hire one who knows many frameworks and formulas, but trusts that the right form will manifest as you write your way toward it, with the direction of your own inner compass. A coach who will support you in finding and aligning with that compass.
A Safe and Sacred Space
Unlike conventional writing workshops, where everyone voices their opinion about your words, your fellow travelers will hold space for your writing to blossom and grow, cheering you on and letting you know where the work feels alive.
Visibility in this group leads to Validation and to a higher Vibration for your writing.
A Different Kind of Accountability
Rather than measure yourself by how many hours or how many pages you accrue day by day, in this sacred space, you remain accountable to the Sourced energy you are cultivating and how that is contributing to building momentum on your project.
When the old stories you once told yourself resurface – how you were broken, how you were wronged, how you could not do it – I will bring you back to the Truth of who you are and what you came here to do as a writer.
A Deep Trust
In this space, in this community, we co-create with the guidance of Source.
We trust that the books, the essays, the poems, the messages, already exist, because they have been planted in our hearts.
We tap into our intuition and trust that the Source of Life is moving to us and through us, always showing us the next right step.
And in that knowing, we confidently and consistently move toward the writing dreams.
The Facts and Figures:
- Most Mondays, 10 am – noon ET, beginning February 17, 2025
- Four Sunday Write-ins, 10 – 1 EST
- Quarterly submissions and 1:1 meetings with Saundra.
- (Schedule to be posted on a quarterly basis. All sessions recorded.)
- Teachings in Writing from Source, including how to build momentum and manifest your writing project.
- Transformational Coaching as needed, to clear blocks based on limiting beliefs
- Regular Write-Ins to track our emotions and energy around writing
- Regular Read-Alouds for Visibility, Validation, and high Vibration
- Reading Literature to learn more about craft and consciousness
- Teachings in energy Work to cultivate your Sourced energy
- Human Design Coaching for alignment and best practices for your HD type
- Guest Teachers
Planet Earth, Via Zoom
Investment in Yourself:
Bring Your Book Into Being
Group Program Only
- $12,000 for twelve months – 12 monthly payments of $1,000. OR
- When you make a deposit of $1,000 before February 1, you receive a $1,000 discount, with 12 monthly payments of $833.
- Your early deposit also includes admission to Tear Up The Rulebook Live – a $1200 value (A 2 1/2 day immersion at The Commune, in Austin, TX. Catered lunch provided. Does not include other meals and lodging.)
Add-on Coaching with monthly manuscript submissions and meetings with Saundra
- $10,000 – 12 monthly payments of $1,000. OR
- With a $2,000 deposit by February 1 ($1,000 for the group program, plus a $1,000 for private coaching), you will receive an additional $1,000 discount (a total discount of $2,000), with monthly payments of $1,500.
- In addition to your admission to Tear Up the Rulebook Live, you will be invited to a VIP meal with Saundra after the event.
If you are ready to let go of the old stories that have run you in the past
And trust the deeper story that wants to be told,
If you are committed to cultivating Sourced Energy for yourself and your writing, and
To use language and craft in service of the Truth you know at the core of your being.