I’m wondering if anyone else

feels lost in the pandemic again.

Does your brain feel scrambled?

Need more sleep lately?

Are you ready to go out,

but still staying in?

Do you feel safer with the vaccine,

but concerned about the variant?

Each shift in policy

causes confusion.

How do you navigate the changes?

Here’s an idea:

Go back to the page.

Not to produce or to ponder,

But to get straight with what is.

Start here:

Write, “Where I am,”

and keep your hand moving.

Write for ten or twenty minutes.

Where are you physically?

What are you thinking and feeling?

Lay it all down and 

See if that helps you settle. 

Then ask yourself this question:

How can I take care of myself today?

A break from the news?

A walk in the neighborhood?

A glass of water might is always good.

Start practicing now, 

Where I am.

What I need to take care of  myself.

Try it for a week and

See if that helps you land in

this time of transition.

Don’t get ahead of yourself 

and start planning for tomorrow. 

Let the writing bring you home

to this moment.
